According to the EBA, 94% of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Ukraine have suffered losses from the war.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
According to the EBA, 94% of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Ukraine have suffered losses from the war.

It is also noted that the number of entrepreneurs estimating business losses of up to $10,000 has decreased from 33% in October to the current 24%. Losses in the $10,000-$50,000 range are already reported by 26%, another 20% in the $50,000-$100,000 range, and 18% more than $100,000.

For 57% of entrepreneurs, the most urgent current problems are the decrease in domestic purchasing power, for 31% a lack of financing and access to credit, for 29% tax pressure. About 28% of businesses complain about the lack of specialists and problems with traveling abroad.

Half of the respondents have employees mobilized to the Armed Forces, whereas 22% are critical to their activities at the firm. Despite the difficulty, 41% of entrepreneurs are working at full capacity, 49% are operating with certain restrictions, and 10% are not working.

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