According to the Big Mac Index, the Ukrainian currency has become the fourth most undervalued.

The Ukrainian hryvnia dropped to fourth place in the list of undervalued world currencies in the updated Big Mac Index. A year ago, it was in sixth place, according to data from The Economist for January 2023. According to the publication, a Big Mac costs UAH 92 ($2.51) in Ukraine, while in the US, it costs $5.36. Thus, the Ukrainian currency rate is undervalued by 53.5% compared to the actual exchange rate of UAH 36.92/$1, and the purchasing power rate should be at UAH 17.16/$1. The most undervalued currencies in the world in January 2023 are the currencies of Egypt, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Overvalued currencies are only the Swiss franc (by 35.4%), the Uruguayan peso (by 27.8%), the Norwegian krone (by 22.9%), the Swedish krone (by 4.8%), and the Danish krone (by 0. 9%).