A Ukrainian military tech startup producing smart battlefield surveillance cameras has received a $25,000 grant from Brave1 and plans to scale up.

As reported by the Rcam startup team, the $25,000 in funding from Brave1 will allow the developers to complete the research phase and move to mass production of their camera. The launch of bulk manufacturing should begin in the fall of 2024.
Currently, the team is working on improving object recognition using artificial intelligence to automate the process of protecting objects, borders, and boundaries.
Rcam cameras are already being tested in military units, which helps the team quickly improve the product. These cameras can also be used in the civil sphere, particularly for security applications in places such as quarries, warehouses, and agricultural land.
Prior to the Brave1 grant, the company had already attracted $35,000 from the DualUse program from the Ukrainian Startup Fund and private funding in the amount of $10,000.