A furniture factory in Transcarpathia will bring in 160 workers from Bangladesh because Ukrainians do not want to work for ₴25,000 per month.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025
A furniture factory in Transcarpathia will bring in 160 workers from Bangladesh because Ukrainians do not want to work for ₴25,000 per month.

The Lamella enterprise in Transcarpathia, specializing in furniture manufacturing, is negotiating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to employ 160 people from Bangladesh under employment contracts in response to their expanded production.

The company has been operating since 2001 and during this time has managed to grow from a small workshop that produced furniture components to a large manufacturer whose products are exported to European countries. The company employs 430 people, but due to the increase in production capacity, 700 jobs need to be filled. The company offers employees various incentives, and the average wage for production personnel is ₴25,000 ($600).

Moreover, construction companies arer also experiencing a personnel shortage, but the industry has been able to cope with the situation so far. If necessary, developers plan to establish partnerships with educational institutions, invite students for internships, employ young people, retrain existing employees, and attract personnel from abroad.


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