A 60-kilometer bypass road will be built around Chernivtsi.

The Service of Roads Association in the Chernivtsi Region has signed an agreement to prepare for the construction of the third and fourth stages of the Chernivtsi bypass. The contractor is the Institute of Infrastructure Design LLC. According to the planned schedule, the feasibility study should be developed by the end of the first half of 2022. Then, after approval by the State Agency, Ukravtodor, the service will have the right to initiate design work for construction. It is expected that the construction of the third and fourth stages of the Chernivtsi bypass will improve transport connections between the western and northwestern regions of Ukraine and the central area of the country, as well as connecting European and Baltic countries with the Azov and Black Seas and ports, as well as allow free transit from Chernivtsi, reported the Center for Transport Strategies.