Antonov’s deal to build up to 300 An-132 cargo turboprops for the Royal Saudi Air Force has ended, apparently falling victim to the new Russia-Saudi rapprochement.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Antonov’s deal to build up to 300 An-132 cargo turboprops for the Royal Saudi Air Force has ended, apparently falling victim to the new Russia-Saudi rapprochement.

Antonov’s deal to build up to 300 An-132 cargo turboprops for the Royal Saudi Air Force has ended, apparently falling victim to the new Russia-Saudi rapprochement. Under a joint venture contract signed three years ago, Antonov and Taqnia Aeronautics were to build the advanced military cargo planes, some in Kyiv and some in Saudi Arabia. Two years ago, the first prototype flew from Antonov’s airport outside Kyiv. Each plane was valued at $30 million.

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Угода Антонова зі створення до 300 вантажних турбовінтов Ан-132 для ВПС Саудівської Аравії закінчилася, очевидно, ставши жертвою нового російсько-саудівського зближення.

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