Since 2016, 6,800 km of roads – or 15% of the national road network — have been repaired or rebuilt

Thursday, April 18, 2019
Since 2016, 6,800 km of roads – or 15% of the national road network — have been repaired or rebuilt

Since 2016, 6,800 km of roads – or 15% of the national road network — have been repaired or rebuilt, Prime Minister told the Cabinet of Ministers on Wednesday. Starting this month, $1.25 billion is being spent this year on rebuilding state roads. Support this historically high level, the new Road Fund supplies 60% of the state road-building budget. Starting last year, regional governments are responsible for maintaining the nation’s 120,000 km village-to-village and village-to-district center roads.

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In a warning shot to Ukraine’s voters and to Ukraine’s next president, Russia is banning exports to Ukraine of oil, coal, gasoline, and diesel, effective June 1, two days before inauguration day.

In a warning shot to Ukraine’s voters and to Ukraine’s next president, Russia is banning exports to Ukraine of oil, coal, gasoline, and diesel, effective June 1, two days before inauguration day.

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