By June, DTEK plans to complete construction of the first 100 MW phase of Prymorsk, or ‘Seaside,’
Monday, April 8, 2019
By June, DTEK plans to complete construction of the first 100 MW phase of Prymorsk, or ‘Seaside,’ on the north shore of the Azov, in Zaporizhia region. As of Friday, 18 of the 26 planned GE turbines were generating electricity, with a capacity of 69 MW. A second 100 MW phase of the plant is under construction. Separately, DTEK is building Oryol, a €135 million, 100 MW plant, powered by Vestas turbines from Denmark. The three projects add up to a €400 million investment in 300 MW of wind power on a 50 km stretch of Azov coast, west of Berdyansk.