Reikartz, the Belgian-Ukrainian hotel chain, starts managing today its latest 37th hotel in Ukraine, the VitaPark Stanislavisky, in Yaremche

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Reikartz, the Belgian-Ukrainian hotel chain, starts managing today its latest 37th hotel in Ukraine, the VitaPark Stanislavisky, in Yaremche

Reikartz, the Belgian-Ukrainian hotel chain, starts managing today its latest 37th hotel in Ukraine, the VitaPark Stanislavisky, in Yaremche, the historic Carpathian mountain resort town. Located midway between Ivano-Frankivsk city and Bukovel ski resort, the hotel has 54 rooms today. Next summer, the hotel will add 130 rooms, says Andriy Dema, operating director of the Reikartz Hotel Group. Founded in Lviv in 2003 by Francois Ryckaerts and Belgian architect friends, the Reikartz Group has expanded beyond Ukraine, managing three hotels in Germany and two in Sweden.

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