Matteo Patrone, an Italian with Eastern Europe experience, has been appointed the EBRD’s new regional Managing Director, based in Kyiv.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Matteo Patrone, an Italian with Eastern Europe experience, has been appointed the EBRD’s new regional Managing Director, based in Kyiv.

Matteo Patrone, an Italian with Eastern Europe experience, has been appointed the EBRD’s new regional Managing Director, based in Kyiv. Patrone succeeds Francis Malige, who has been promoted to Managing Director, Financial Institutions, at the bank’s headquarters in London. Patrone has worked for EBRD for the last decade, most recently as director for Serbia 2012-2015, and director for Romania and Bulgaria from 2015 to now. From Kyiv, Patrone will be responsible for the development bank’s operations in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The largest international financial investor in Ukraine, the EBRD over the last 25 years has loaned 12 billion euros for 400 projects.

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