Ukrainians in Poland have established around 89,000 companies over the past three years.

Monday, March 3, 2025
Ukrainians in Poland have established around 89,000 companies over the past three years.

During this period, Ukrainians have registered 77,700 individual enterprises in Poland, which represents 9% of all enterprises registered, and additionally, 11,300 companies with Ukrainian capital have been founded. Among all firms established in Poland last year, 12% were owned by Ukrainian citizens. Ukrainians constitute 84% of the total number of companies registered by foreigners.

The most prevalent sectors for Ukrainian companies were construction (23%) and information and communications (18%), along with various other services, particularly hairdressing and cosmetic services (13%). From 2022 to 2024, the number of Ukrainian enterprises increased annually by an average of 34%.

However, as of February 2024 only 3,635 Polish companies were registered in Ukraine. Approximately 31% of them operate in wholesale and retail trade, while 17% are involved in the processing industry. More than 8% of these companies focus on professional, scientific, and technical activities, and around 7% are engaged in administrative and support services.


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