Twice as many new residential complexes are being built in the Lviv region than in Kyiv.

Thursday, December 5, 2024
Twice as many new residential complexes are being built in the Lviv region than in Kyiv.

During the war, the undisputed leader in construction activity in Ukraine has been he Lviv region, where 35% of new buildings are being built. In the almost three years since the war began, construction of 150 residential complexes has been launched in the region. This is twice as much as in the Kyiv region, where 70 new projects were launched. The lion’s share of projects was launched in Lviv, while in Kyiv, real estate experts say the Kyiv region’s suburbs are being developed more actively than the capital itself.

In Kyiv itself, during the first year of the war, the construction rate fell by almost 80%; in 2023, the indicators increased slightly, but in 2024, there will be no growth. The opposite situation exists in the greater Kyiv region, where developers reached pre-war rates in 2023, and in 2024, another 24% growth is expected.

At the same time, Transcarpathia is leading in terms of the rate of construction growth.

Prices for apartments in new buildings also increased at the highest rates in the western regions: Ivano-Frankivsk (+56%), Lviv (+42%), Rivne (+41%), Uzhhorod (+40) and Chernivtsi (+30%).


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