Japan opened a credit line of up to $150M to reconstruct Ukraine.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Japan opened a credit line of up to $150M to reconstruct Ukraine.

The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) received a credit line from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) for up to $150M to finance Ukraine’s reconstruction. These funds will be directed to projects to restore and reconstruct Ukraine’s critical economic and social infrastructure.

The focus will be on strengthening economic resilience, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, food processing, transport and logistics, digital infrastructure, and pharmaceuticals. In addition, up to $75M will be directed to green initiatives and the promotion of environmental sustainability in the Black Sea region. The $150M allocated for Ukraine will activate significant investment necessary for the country’s recovery.

JBIC is a Japanese financial institution that conducts lending, investment, and guarantee operations, complementing private-sector financial institutions.

BSTDB is an international financial institution created by the countries of the Black Sea region, including Ukraine, in 1999. During its operation, BSTDB’s board has approved participation in 58 projects in Ukraine worth about €1B.


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