MoF: Ukraine can officially start exporting biomethane.

Thursday, September 12, 2024
MoF: Ukraine can officially start exporting biomethane.

The Ministry of Finance published an order defining the customs clearance procedure for biomethane transported by pipeline, allowing the export of biomethane to begin.

The Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine will enable producers to export biomethane to Europe through interstate connection points with four EU countries. Manufacturers will not have to connect their biomethane plants directly to the gas distribution network, though this is an option. The conditions and tariffs for joining, transporting, and exporting through Ukraine’s gas transportation system for biomethane producers are similar to those established for natural gas producers.

Since May, a law regulating customs clearance for biomethane has been in force in Ukraine. Its implementation involves reducing dependence on external energy supply and creating favorable conditions for creating and promoting biomethane production.

Biomethane has a wide range of applications: a replacement of natural gas, production of heat and electricity, fuel for transport, and as a raw material for the chemical industry.


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