German opposition demands the cancellation of social benefits for unemployed Ukrainian refugees, as Poland expands aid to Ukrainians.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
German opposition demands the cancellation of social benefits for unemployed Ukrainian refugees, as Poland expands aid to Ukrainians.

Carsten Linnemann, the general secretary of the opposition German party, the Christian Democratic Union, advocates the need to cancel financial support for Ukrainian refugees who do not work officially. Exceptions may be single parents or people who take care of relatives.

According to him, “a six-figure number of people fundamentally do not want to work”, and therefore they cannot be stimulated to look for work by reducing social benefits. “Why are more than 50 percent of Ukrainians working in many European countries and only 25 percent in Germany? There is a clear lack of incentives from the federal government to find work,” Linnemann said.

At the same time, a new type of social assistance for children will be introduced in Poland – “Aktywny rodzic”, which will also apply to Ukrainian refugees. Funds under the program will be used to pay for childcare services for children under three years of age.


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