Regions of Ukraine are becoming energy-independent: a waste incineration plant for electricity production will be built in Odesa, and 10 gas power plants will be installed in Transcarpathia.

Friday, June 28, 2024
Regions of Ukraine are becoming energy-independent: a waste incineration plant for electricity production will be built in Odesa, and 10 gas power plants will be installed in Transcarpathia.

The Odesa City Council approved the development of a land management project for the allocation of a 4-hectare plot of land to the municipal enterprise “Heat Supply of the City of Odesa” for the implementation of the construction project of a waste incineration plant that will produce electricity and heat.

Also, together with Japanese partners, a plan for the restoration of Odesa is currently being developed, including the construction project of a waste incineration plant, said Odesa Mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov.

At the same time, Viktor Mykyta, the head of Transcarpathia Administration, announced that 10 gas power plants will be installed in the region by November in various region communities.

“If we install gas stations, it will be about the production of 152 MW. For Transcarpathia, this is energy independence,” he emphasized.

In addition, currently, 4,800 housholds in the region have solar power plants. On sunny days, they provide up to 31% of electricity to the system.


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