Experts name the factors stopping investment in new wind power plants in Ukraine.

Thursday, June 27, 2024
Experts name the factors stopping investment in new wind power plants in Ukraine.

According to the head of the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association, Andriy Konechenkov, new distributed generation capacities can compensate for the loss of 10 GW of traditional energy capacities. As well, four GW worth of wind energy projects, ready for implementation, could also be useful and effective. However, the status of these projects has not yet changed due to some obstacles.

One of the most important is the lack of war risk insurance and the still unpaid debt on the RES electricity market. RES investors have an underpayment of 40% for 2022 and five months of 2024. It is evident that it is impossible to build new facilities without financial resources.

Existing investors are also concerned about the potential threat of further deterioration of the business environment and market conditions, so they are cautious about further investment. These factors also deter other potential international investors from conducting activities in Ukraine.


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