NATO moves to mandate the provision of weapons to Ukraine by member countries.

Friday, June 14, 2024
NATO moves to mandate the provision of weapons to Ukraine by member countries.

Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels said the supply of weapons to Ukraine will become mandatory for NATO countries. These supplies will be coordinated by the military bloc’s command structures under the leadership of General Christopher Cavoli.

“We have seen that the US agreed to provide additional aid to Ukraine for six months, we also see that not all NATO countries have provided weapons. If we turn this from voluntary supplies to commitments to NATO, the supplies will become more extensive and reliable”, he said.

According to Stoltenberg, when the supply of weapons to Kyiv becomes mandatory the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance will begin to use a command structure and joint financing.

“The longer the war goes on, the more important for us is predictability, reporting, and fair distribution of costs,” the Secretary-General emphasized.

He clarified that Hungary will not participate in the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine or in sending its instructors to the country but will make contributions to the NATO budget.


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