Ukraine’s partners provide tens of millions of euros in guarantees for Ukrainian business lending.

Friday, March 29, 2024
Ukraine’s partners provide tens of millions of euros in guarantees for Ukrainian business lending.

The Polish bank BGK and Ukrainian Kredobank signed an addendum to an agreement. Kredobank will receive an additional €10M in EC guarantees for lending to Ukrainian entrepreneurs. These funds will increase the bank’s ability to provide loans to companies operating in Ukraine to €20M, primarily those companies operating in territories liberated from occupation and in areas near the zone of active hostilities.

BGK and Kredobank began cooperation within the framework of EU guarantees in January 2023. Through this mechanism, Kredobank allocated more than €12M of additional financing to almost 100 enterprises during the year.

Similarly, the EBRD provides state-owned Ukreximbank with an unfunded portfolio risk-sharing instrument for financing Ukraine’s private sector. The instrument can cover up to 50% of Ukreximbank’s credit risk for sub-loans up to €40M. This will allow the bank to provide financing to Ukrainian enterprises in the fields of agriculture, industry, construction, transport, pharmaceuticals, and investments of private enterprises in green technologies.


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