The US is readying a $275M defense package, and the Netherlands and its partners will purchase weapons worth €175M.

Friday, May 24, 2024
The US is readying a $275M defense package, and the Netherlands and its partners will purchase weapons worth €175M.

The US is preparing another $275M military aid package for Ukraine, which will probably be announced on May 24. It is noted that this will be the fourth tranche of military aid to Ukraine since Congress passed a the bill on aid to Ukraine at the end of last month.

According to anonymous US officials, the package will include HIMARS artillery missile systems and 155mm and 105mm artillery shells.

Also, the Minister of Defense of the Netherlands, Kajsa Ollongren, noted: “Ukraine needs more resources for air and sea defense. That is why the International Support Fund for Ukraine has announced the purchase of €175M in equipment with co-financing from the Netherlands.”

The International Support Fund for Ukraine is an additional funding mechanism for our state. The executive body includes Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Lithuania. Along with participation from Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand, the fund totals more than €1B.


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