The first F-16s will arrive this summer, together with more ammunition and armored vehicles from our allies.

Friday, June 14, 2024
The first F-16s will arrive this summer, together with more ammunition and armored vehicles from our allies.

The head of the Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands, Kajsa Ollongren, said that Ukraine will receive the first F-16 fighter jets from its Western allies this summer. Moreover, Ukraine will have the right to use these F-16s to strike military targets in the Russian Federation. Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway promised to transfer 60 F-16 fighters.

Meanwhile, Norway announced a new military aid package for Ukraine, which includes ammunition for 81 mm mortars worth approximately €42M. The country also recently sent €4.7M in hand grenades and €260,000 in sniper ammunition.

The Lithuanian government approved the transfer of 14 M113 armored vehicles, and Canada is sending the first four new armored medical evacuation vehicles of the 50 planned for delivery. In addition, the country will send Ukraine 2,300 CRV7 rocket engines, armored vehicles, ammunition, and 29 Nanuk remote control systems.

Also, as previously announced, Sweden will provide €6.5B in military aid to Ukraine over three years.


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