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Ukraine and Germany have launched a powerful €2M green recovery project.

Ukraine and Germany have launched a powerful €2M green recovery project.

Man installing alternative energy photovoltaic solar panels on roof

A joint Ukrainian-German project, the Renewable Energy Sources for a Sustainable Ukraine – R2U, has been undertaken to benefit Ukrainian communities. This is the first stage, involving the implementation of agreements regarding deepening partnerships in green recovery, the Ministry of Energy reported.

Within the project’s scope, up to 20 communities will be selected, in which an energy audit of critical infrastructure buildings will be conducted to determine feasibility of further equipping them with renewable energy sources.

The project is designed for 18 months, costing about €2M. The project aims to strengthen the stability of the Ukrainian energy system by decentralizing the generation and distribution of electricity. Attention will be focused on rural regions, coal regions, and those that suffered the greatest destruction from the war.

In addition, the project foresees equipping critical infrastructure buildings with solar panels. In the first stage, Ukraine will receive 5,700 350W solar panels, with a total capacity of about 2MW.

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