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The shortage of new workers in Ukraine will reach 5-10 million people by 2030: Experts advise how to overcome this challenge.

Another country is accelerating the integration of Ukrainians, and Germany will increase payments for refugees.

Women are working hard in the factory

According to the director of the USAID mission in Ukraine, Theodora Dell, human resources can be gathered from the country’s own potential.

“Currently, the employment rate in Ukraine is 52%, while in Europe, this figure is 76%. If these figures are at least equalized, an additional 4.8 million workers will appear on the Ukrainian market,” she says.

An additional increase can also be achieved by women mastering traditionally male professions.

“Not so long ago, we opened a training center for female heavy equipment drivers in the Kyiv region. Initially there were only 15 participants for 20 vacant places. But when we advertised this opportunity through social networks, we received 250 applications,” said Ms. Dell.

Deloitte Ukraine partner Olena Boychenko believes that Ukraine has significant potential for attracting new personnel among those population groups currently less active in the labor market such as women, older people, and Ukraine’s youth,as well as through the retraining of various socio-demographic groups.


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