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The share of renewable energy in Ukraine will increase to 27% by 2030, these projects will require $20B in investments.

German companies are building wind and solar power plants in Ukraine, and the country urgently needs 5-6 GW of new generation.

Ukraine plans to create a fund to support green power plant construction.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the National Renewable Energy Action Plan for the period up to 2030 and the planned measures for its implementation. It is anticipated that the share of renewable energy sources in the gross final energy consumption in 2030 will be 27%, namely:

  1. heating and cooling systems – 33%
  2. electricity production – 29%
  3. the transport sector – 17%

The Renewable Energy Action Plan complements the National Energy and Climate Plan, which was approved in June. The document clearly correlates with European norms and standards. The plan envisages 38 measures, prescribes performance indicators, and determines responsibilities.

As noted by the Ministry of Energy, implementing the National Renewable Energy Action Plan will require $20B in investment. This will increase new green energy capacity by up to 10 GW.


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