The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Reform Matrix, a change plan that includes officially approved recommendations from international partners. The matrix was created with the assistance of the World Bank, which systematizes reforms and includes officially approved recommendations and documents from the European Commission, structural beacons from the IMF, and the Plan under the Ukraine Facility program. Over 200 reforms are planned for 2024 and 400 implementation indicators have been created. These priorities are included in the Reform Matrix:
- Macroeconomic policies – the basis for restoring Ukraine’s economy and financial stability
- Institutional changes include anti-corruption policy, reform of law enforcement agencies, and increasing the capabilities of state and regional institutions
- Structural reforms – policies related to human capital, measures to facilitate trade and improve the business environment
The government also announced the launch of a web portal, where all the indicators, the content of the reforms, and the implementation schedule are collected so that everyone can see in real-time what is changing in Ukraine.