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Swiss Brugg will partner with a Ukrainian manufacturer to establish the first Ukrainian enterprise to produce plastic PEX pipe.

Swiss Brugg will partner with a Ukrainian manufacturer to establish the first Ukrainian enterprise to produce plastic PEX pipe.

Swiss Brugg will partner with a Ukrainian manufacturer to establish the first Ukrainian enterprise to produce plastic PEX pipe.

Swiss Brugg AG plans to form a joint venture with a Ternopil company, Terpolymergaz, that will produce plastic PEX pipe for both centralized and decentralized heating systems, and will invest €7M. The parties have agreed that the project’s practical implementation will commence immediately after martial law ends in Ukraine. PEX technology utilizes special temperature-resistant insulation within plastic pipe. Currently, Ukraine imports all of its PEX pipe.

Terpolymergaz produces plastic pipe with diameters ranging from 16 to 1,600 mm, along with various connecting elements. The enterprise employs 100 people. Last year, production volume increased by 20%, reaching 12,000 tons of pipe products with 40% exported to the EU.

The Brugg Group’s primary areas of focus include district heating technologies, natural hazard protection systems, and process control technologies for utilities and elevators.


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