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Retail is gaining momentum: Turnover in 2023 exceeded pre-war figures by ₴100B.

Retail chains lost 20% of their turnover during the first year of the war.

A family is shopping in a store

Unlike in 2022, when companies’ income significantly decreased due to Russia’s occupation of large areas of Ukraine, looting, shelling, constant air strikes, and blackouts, last year Ukrainian retailers managed not only to adapt to new working conditions but also to resume their development.

In 2021, net sales amounted to ₴1.44T, but in 2022, this indicator fell to ₴ 1.16T. However, in 2023 it reached ₴1.54T, i.e., 30% more than in 2022, and exceeded the industry’s pre-war turnover amount by ₴100B. Given the official inflation rate of 5.1% in 2023, it can be said that Ukrainian retail is on an active development path.

Last year, product retail generated the highest turnover. The first three places in terms of sales are occupied by ATB, Silpo, and Epicentr. The 10 largest retailers in terms of turnover are fast-moving consumer goods operators, which include large international players such as Metro and Auchan and local players such as Fine Market.


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