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Metallurgy and energy: key investments of Ukrainian business in the EU.

Україна в березні подвоїла виплавку сталі й зберегла 25-те місце в рейтингу Worldsteel.

Через виклики на зовнішньому та внутрішньому ринках металургійний гігант з України уповільнить виробництво.

The total amount of Ukrainian investment in Poland has already reached more than €1B, while last year, more than 300 Ukrainian companies started operating in Romania. In general, businesses from Ukraine have recently been working to develop in the markets of almost all EU countries.

In particular, the Metinvest group plans to build a new plant to produce green steel using Ukrainian raw materials in Piombino (Italy) by 2027. It will become a pilot project for Metinvest’s future investments in Ukraine during the post-war reconstruction period.

Also, the Vesco group of companies have begun developing a clay quarry in Spain. The planned production capacity of the quarry is 100,000 tons of ceramic raw materials per year.

In addition, research and production enterprise Energo-Plus has invested almost ₴40M in creating the TWERD Energo-Plus enterprise in Poland, which will manufacture high-voltage frequency converters for engines used in industrial and mining enterprises.

Also, DTEK’s subsidiary, DRI, plans to build 133 MW electricity storage systems in Poland by 2026.


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