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Madoqua Renewables, a Dutch-Portuguese green chemical company, is investing €900M in the construction of a waste processing plant in Ternopil.

Ukraine can produce up to eight billion cubic meters of biomethane per year.

Multiple white biofuel tanks with green and yellow stripes

The plant will produce ecologically friendly green fuel (methanol) from sugar production waste using wastewater. According to the head of the state agency UkraineInvest, Sergiy Tsivkach, the project will create more than 500 direct jobs and more than 2,500 indirect jobs.

Madoqua Renewables Holding Limited plans to invest up to €40 million in the project’s development stage, with a €300-400M capital investment and a total investment of €800-900M.

Founded in 2016, Madoqua Renewables is a developer and operator of projects that use renewable energy sources and produce environmentally friendly chemicals and gases.

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