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EU accession will strengthen Ukraine and the entire bloc.

EU accession will strengthen Ukraine and the entire bloc.

EU accession will strengthen Ukraine and the entire bloc.

Olga Stefanishyna, the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, is convinced that Ukraine will become stronger as a full member of the EU. At the same time, Ukraine’s integration will strengthen the EU. Ukraine has several factors that will ensure this:


  1. The first is security. After joining the EU, Ukraine will have one of the largest armies with practical experience in resisting full-scale aggression that is significantly superior in quantity, resources, and finances.
  2. The second is logistics. Ukraine can expand the European logistics network to the east, becoming a new transport hub within the European-Asian transport corridors. Maritime transport is extremely important for the European economy. Ukraine’s accession to the EU Single Market will contribute to the realization of Ukraine’s potential as a transit country.
  3. The third is agriculture. Ukraine’s integration will positively impact EU food security and the EU’s position in global agricultural trade.
  4. The fourth is the economy. This entails increasing opportunities for trade, strengthening energy security, increasing resilience, more secure supply chains, a wider choice of goods and services, and the EU Single Market’s decreased dependence on third countries.


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