With the opening of a 120,000-ton modern grain elevator in Poltava this week, Astarta completes its five-year, $83 million programm to increase its storage capacity by 50%, to 600,000 tons.

Thursday, July 4, 2019
With the opening of a 120,000-ton modern grain elevator in Poltava this week, Astarta completes its five-year, $83 million programm to increase its storage capacity by 50%, to 600,000 tons.

With the opening of a 120,000-ton modern grain elevator in Poltava this week, Astarta completes its five-year, $83 million programm to increase its storage capacity by 50%, to 600,000 tons. Using Astarta’s record 1.1 million-ton grain and oilseed harvest last year, Dragon Capital calculates that the Warsaw-listed company has now reached “55% self-sufficiency in storage facilities.” With the state railroad struggling to keep up with booming farm production, storage can mean the difference between selling grain or letting it rot in the fields.

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