With the number of Ukraine’s new coronavirus cases now averaging 10,000 a day, the Rada approved on Friday a law empowering police to issue fines of $6 to 9 to people who do not wear masks in enclosed public spaces

Monday, November 9, 2020
With the number of Ukraine’s new coronavirus cases now averaging 10,000 a day, the Rada approved on Friday a law empowering police to issue fines of $6 to 9 to people who do not wear masks in enclosed public spaces

With the number of Ukraine’s new coronavirus cases now averaging 10,000 a day, the Rada approved on Friday a law empowering police to issue fines of $6 to 9 to people who do not wear masks in enclosed public spaces. A previous, cumbersome fine system involving the courts resulted in only 3-5% of fines being levied, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said before the vote in parliament. With all of Ukraine now in an ‘orange’ or ‘red’ zone, new restrictions on indoor restaurant dining may come this week, Viktor Lyashko, Ukraine’s Chief Sanitary Doctor, told reporters Friday.

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