What will be the headache of the IMF team in Washington?” National Bank of Ukraine Governor Yakiv Smoliy tweeted Thursday.

Friday, September 27, 2019
What will be the headache of the IMF team in Washington?” National Bank of Ukraine Governor Yakiv Smoliy tweeted Thursday.

What will be the headache of the IMF team in Washington?” National Bank of Ukraine Governor Yakiv Smoliy tweeted Thursday. “At least ending pressure on reformers and maintaining financial stability, which depends on the course of a number of lawsuits in Ukraine and outside it.” He attached a farewell photo of himself, two deputies and van Rooden. Smoliy seemed to be referring to oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky who has filed 600 lawsuits to reverse the IMF-supported nationalization of his bank, PrivatBank, almost three years ago.

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The threat of a return of PrivatBank to its former owners and an end to the independence of the central bank were the two main worries of the IMF team

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