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Ukrainians in the EU earn more than €1,100 per month, while 13% of families in Ukraine lack money for food.

Another country is accelerating the integration of Ukrainians, and Germany will increase payments for refugees.

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According to the EWL Migration Platform research, Ukrainians in Germany earn €1,334 per month on average. This is approximately 300% higher than the average salary in Ukraine. In the Netherlands, the average net wage of Ukrainians is €1,104 per month, which is about 200% higher than the average salary in Ukraine.

At the same time, 70% of respondents in Germany and 73% in the Netherlands rate their financial situation as “average.” However, most Ukrainian refugees in Germany (63%) and the Netherlands (81%) rely on local financial assistance.

Meanwhile, 13% of families in Ukraine lack money even for the necessary products. The share of those who believe that the financial situation of the family will improve soon is 7%, that it will worsen – 28%, and that it will not change – 51%.

However, in June, Ukrainians slightly improved their assessment of their well-being: 14% rated it as “good” (10.5% in December), and 37% gave a “bad” rating.


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