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Ukrainian farmers earned 77% less from the new crop than was expected.

Україна планує за 10 років після війни наростити виробництво агропродукції до 200 млн тонн на рік.

Combine harvester collects grain in the field

EBITDA for major crops harvested in 2022 was $47 per hectare in December 2023, while their forecasted value was $206 in February, Agrohub research shows. The actual result is less than one-fourth of the expected amount, 77.18%.

As analysts explained, logistical difficulties led companies to sell grain from the 2022 harvest throughout 2023. Therefore, the actual rate of return on working capital for growing crops was 4%, while the forecast value at the beginning of the year was 19%.

In addition, some crops harvested in 2022 were unprofitable due to low prices and increased logistics costs, including corn (-$227 per hectare) and winter wheat (-$19). However, oil crops remained profitable: winter rapeseed EBITDA ($676), soybeans ($225), and sunflower ($175).

At the same time, in 2023 prices for some products fell: corn by 19%, sunflower by 11%, rapeseed and soybeans by 2% and 1%, respectively.

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