Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Oleksiy Honcharuk, greeted the upgrade, writing on Facebook:

Monday, September 9, 2019
Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Oleksiy Honcharuk, greeted the upgrade, writing on Facebook:

Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Oleksiy Honcharuk, greeted the upgrade, writing on Facebook: “Political will to implement difficult and necessary reforms is one of the reasons for improving Ukraine’s position in the ranking…We will also continue our cooperation with international organizations and partners. Increasing investment attractiveness is one of the top priorities of our government’s team. Technocratic, pro-European and reform-oriented.”

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The EBRD is loaning up to $35 million to global grain trader Louis Dreyfus Company to buy up to 1,000 rail grain hopper wagons.

The EBRD is loaning up to $35 million to global grain trader Louis Dreyfus Company to buy up to 1,000 rail grain hopper wagons.

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