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Ukraine’s 2022 steel production is one-third of last year.

Ukraine’s 2022 steel production is one-third of last year.

steel production

Ukrainian metallurgical industry enterprises produced 5.84 million tons of steel from January to October 2022, compared to 17.9 million tons in the same period last year, reported Ukrmetalurgprom. According to data for the first ten months of 2022, Ukrainian metallurgists produced 5.844 million tons of steel, which is only 32.6% compared to 2021, when 17.903 million tons were produced. In particular, 5.81 million tons of pig iron were produced, or 32.8% of last year’s figures (17.7 million tons). The production of rolled products also decreased – 5.02 million tons, which is equal to 31.4% of the volume from January-October 2021 (15.9 million tons).

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