The Cabinet of Ministers approved the concept of implementing smart networks in Ukraine by 2035 and approved an action plan for its implementation. The concept envisages a gradual reduction of electrical loss in the networks, a reduction of CO2 emissions, an increase in investment volume for the modernization of power networks, and an improvement in the quality and reliability of consumer electricity supply. It is assumed that by 2035 it will be possible to reduce electricity losses in power networks from 11.6% to 7.5% or six billion kWh, equivalent to three million tons of coal burned in TPPs. Operational maintenance costs are also expected to decrease by at least UAH 8.3B. The actual index level for the average duration of significant interruption in the system’s electricity supply (SAIDI) should decrease from 1,700 to 100 minutes in 2035, which will correspond with the average EU level.
Ukraine will switch to smart electrical networks by 2035.

smart electrical networks