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Ukraine is waiting for positive news from the US regarding attacks inside Russia.

The Pentagon has officially provided Ukraine with a new $1.3B aid package and is preparing an additional package for $400M.

NASAMS air defense systems

The Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk, believes that American authorities will permit Ukraine to use US weapons in strikes on targets in Russian territory.

“The other day, the Speaker of the House of Representatives stated that, in principle, he supports the fact that Ukraine can fight the way it needs to (in order) to win,” he said.

Stefanchuk added that many countries confirm Ukraine’s right to defend itself as it needs.

“I think that soon we will be pleasantly surprised by the new statements from our colleagues,” he said.

In turn, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives that the US does not support or encourage the use of US-supplied weapons for strikes outside of Ukrainian territory, but Ukraine is the one to decide how to use them effectively.

Moreover, according to the New York Times, Blinken is calling on President Joe Biden to allow Ukraine to strike Russian territory with American weapons.


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