On January 12, Ukraine launched a drone assault in the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation. The previous day, Ukrainian drones hit one of the largest oil refineries in Russia – the Taneko refinery in the city of Nizhnekamsk, 1,000 km from the frontlines. The plant can process more than 16 million tons of oil annually and plays a key role in providing fuel to the Russian military.
Also, as of January 12, a fire at the oil depot in Engels, Russia that broke out after a Ukrainian attack was still burning for the fifth day.
On the night of January 11, Russian regions were also attacked by drones: Explosions were heard in the Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh, and Kursk Regions, as well as in temporarily occupied Crimea.
On January 10, Ukrainian drones and a Neptune missile were used in an attack on an ammunition and UAV storage facility in the Rostov region.
In turn, on the night of January 12 Ukrainian air defense forces repelled another massive enemy attack, in which the Russian Federation employed 94 strike drones.