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Ukraine and the UN estimate the Kakhovka HPP damage at $14B.

Ukraine lost more than 10 cubic kilometers of water due through the Kakhovka HPP tragedy.

The Kakhovka reservoir after the accident at the Kakhovka HPP

The Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) report on the Kakhovka Dam Disaster estimates $2.79B in direct damage to infrastructure and assets and over $11B in total losses. It is emphasized that the long-term environmental impact is the most significant problem.

At the same time, the greatest direct damage was caused to infrastructure and assets in the energy and housing sectors, $1.26B and $1.1B respectively. Damages in these sectors are critical to long-term stability and recovery.

According to the PDNA, under the principle of “Rebuilding better than it was”, the total needs for recovery and reconstruction are estimated at $5.04B, of which $1.82B will be needed in the short term. Looking at the medium- and long-term perspective, the report lays a solid analytical foundation for developing a comprehensive financial and operational plan to support Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction efforts.

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