Timothy Ash writes from London:

Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Timothy Ash writes from London:

Timothy Ash writes from London: “Mid-May, Ukraine 10Y [Eurobond] in dollars was trading at 9.5%, and its now down at 7.7% — a massive reduction in Ukraine’s cost of borrowing overseas…appreciation finally of the Ukraine story…optimism over the Zelenskiy presidency, et al.”

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During the first half of this year, Ukrainians bought 39,500 new cars -- 13 more than during the same period last year

During the first half of this year, Ukrainians bought 39,500 new cars -- 13 more than during the same period last year

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With a new President, and soon a new Rada, Ukraine has a unique chance to shift gears and to join the economic growth big leagues, David Lipton, IMF acting managing director,

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