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The Washington Times newspaper says Ukraine should choose between US military aid and a $380 million deal to supply China with 250 engines for supersonic JL-10 trainers

The Washington Times newspaper says Ukraine should choose between US military aid and a $380 million deal to supply China with 250 engines for supersonic JL-10 trainers

The Washington Times newspaper says Ukraine should choose between US military aid and a $380 million deal to supply China with 250 engines for supersonic JL-10 trainers, aircraft that will allow Chinese pilots to land on aircraft carriers. The conservative newspaper quotes William C. Triplett, a U.S. China expert, saying: “Basically, the Ukrainians are getting away with taking the U.S. taxpayer’s money in the one hand, while stabbing the U.S. Navy in the back with the other.” Rick Fisher, another American China expert, calls on Washington to pressure Kyiv to block the sale by Motor Sich, based in Zaporizhia. The article was written by Bill Gertz, the newspaper’s veteran national security correspondent and author of a 2004 book, “Treachery: How America’s Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies.”

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