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The Ukrainian budget received over UAH 245B ($6.7B) in June.

Dollar bond sale adds UAH 17.4B in state budget revenue.

Pile of Ukrainian and American money banknots

According to parliament member Yaroslav Zheleznyak, the budget received UAH 245B and fulfilled all the monthly government needs. Through its internal resources, the state received: UAH 52.1B from tax, +0.9% more than was planned, or additional UAH 500M; UAH 36.9B from customs +5.7% above plan, or +UAH 2B; and a record UAH 46.4B from military bonds.

Thus, internal resources brought UAH 135.4B to the treasury. At the same time, external sources combined for a total of $3B or UAH 110B. The largest donor was the European Union, with $1.64B in May. The US committed $1.2B, the World Bank dedicated $104M, and Finland provided $15M. Moreover, 40% of the foreign funds are grants that will not have to be repaid.

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