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The State Property Fund plans to introduce military insurance for privatization.

The State Property Fund plans to introduce military insurance for privatization.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) is actively seeking opportunities to expand export insurance instruments to cover war risks for privatization objects, said the head of SPFU, Vitaliy Koval.

“The main task is to get the support of MIGA (the World Bank’s Multilateral International Investment Guarantee Agency),” he said, stressing that the state understands the importance of comprehensive protection for investments. To that end, the SPFU is also appealing to international insurance companies with a proposal to expand export insurance instruments and involve them in covering war risks. “We urge foreign businesses to show interest in war risk insurance in Ukraine by contacting their insurance agencies with appropriate requests.

This will help demonstrate to international insurers such as Czech EGAP, Japanese JICA, export credit agencies from Germany (Euler Hermes), France (Bpifrance Assurance Export), Italy (SACE), British (UK Export Finance), and Swedish (EKN) the presence of real demand for such services and will contribute to the activation of their work in Ukraine,” said Koval.

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