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The number of Ukrainian women entrepreneurs is growing.

Більшість українців прагнуть мати власний бізнес.

the woman opened a flower business

This year, Ukrainian women have opened 18,776 small businesses, which is 51% of all registered FOPs (sole proprietors) since the beginning of the year, says Opendatabot. In total, women opened 93,000 businesses last year. A third of new FOPs registered by women are engaged in retail trade – almost twice as many as men in this category. More than 10,600 entrepreneurs have started their businesses in the IT field, which is the second most number of registrations. However, this represents only 34% of the total number of FOPs in this category. In 2022, women were leading men in providing other individual services at 85% of total providers, in clothing production, education, and HR at 75%, social assistance with 74%, and health care at 72%. The situation with women at the head of companies is not so positive. Since the beginning of the year, 3,849 medium and large companies have been opened, 30% headed by women.

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