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The new Ramstein and a two-day defense conference in Washington: how Ukraine’s partners are supporting Ukraine’s defense capabilities.

The new Ramstein and a two-day defense conference in Washington: how Ukraine’s partners are supporting Ukraine's defense capabilities.

The new Ramstein and a two-day defense conference in Washington: how Ukraine’s partners are supporting Ukraine's defense capabilities.

A new online meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine in the Ramstein format will be held on November 22. At the same time, the White House announced that the Ukrainian American Defense Industrial Base Conference will be held on December 6-7 in Washington. The conference will take place after the Defense Industries Forum.

German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall plans to deliver five Caracal airborne tactical vehicles to the military at the end of this year or the beginning of next year. Finland will give Ukraine its 20th package of military aid, worth €100M, and Lithuania will send generators, field tents, and dry rations in its next package.

Meanwhile, Denmark handed over unique drones – SeaBat T51 autonomous hydrographic complexes, whose sonar capabilities allow them to detect underwater objects. In their budget for 2024, the Netherlands has earmarked over €2B for assistance to Ukraine. With Italy, Ukraine agreed on joint defense industry development, and the Pentagon will provide spare parts for the F-16.

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