On February 1, the Ministry of Finance raised the equivalent of UAH 213.8M at an auction to place domestic government bonds (IGLBs). The securities offered to investors denominated in hryvnia with a maturity of 6 months, 1 year, 1.5 years, and 2 years and in US dollars with a maturity of 1 year. The weighted average yield of 6-month was 11.50%, and for 2-year – 13.00%. The Ministry of Finance did not meet the demand for 1-year and 1.5-year IGLBs in UAH because the auctions did not occur. The weighted average yield on 1-year dollar securities was 3.7%.
The Ministry of Finance has placed IGLBs for UAH 214M.

The Ministry of Finance has placed UAH 7.45B in military bonds.