The government has provided conditions for the mass production of drones in Ukraine.

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution that will significantly speed up the creation and supply of domestic drones to the front and will create conditions for the rapid development of Ukrainian military aircraft, announced the minister of digital transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov.
He added that drone manufacturers could earn more profit and reinvest it in further development. Low profits has prevented companies from developing.
In order to stimulate the development of UAVs in Ukraine and attract more companies to their production, the state raised the profit share to 25%. Thus, enterprises receive favorable conditions for development and scaling, and the military will receive more drones, more quickly at the front.
The Ministry of Defense reported receiving applications from Ukrainian manufacturers for 75 drones of various types, and 16 contracts had already been signed. This year, the Ministry of Defense plans to increase the procurement of UAVs for the armed forces and will spend about UAH 20 billion to accomplish this.