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The European Commission presents a report on Ukraine’s compliance with EU legislation.

The European Commission presents a report on Ukraine's compliance with EU legislation.

Ukraine legislation

According to a EC assessment, Ukraine’s legislation in matters of financial control standards, free movement of workers, intellectual property, social policy, environmental and climate protection, as well as legislation in the field of agriculture and fishing is in adherence with the initial level of compliance with EU standards. Legislation in the field of justice, freedom, and security, as well as public procurement, statistics, capital movements, corporate law, competition, protection of consumer rights and health, and taxation are more highly rated. Rated in the middle, is the legal framework for the free movement of goods, digital transformation and media, economic and monetary policy, science, and research. Ukraine scores very well in the digital business services provision field. Ukraine’s legislation in the sphere of energy policy, foreign policy, security, and defense policy is rated the highest.

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